"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
Do everything in love." -1 Corinthians 16:13-14
As a believer in Christ, chances are, you are like me…wondering what happened to the world! This is not the same place I grew up in and most certainly it is not the same place my parent’s generation grew up in. The last month has been tumultuous for American Christians…an attempted assassination of the presumed future leader of the free world, his opponent dropping out of the race, his new opponent flaunting degradation across national television as normal (no this isn’t about politics by the way), fears on Wall Street, and evil opening ceremonies at the Olympics. No question about it…the world is getting more and more out of control every day.
It is encouraging to see the backlash from the Christian community at the French’s blasphemous portrayal of “The Last Supper” at the Olympics. To me, it is a reminder that our world needs us to be strong. In the battle over good and evil, evil will most certainly not hold back; and we need to be a people who stands firm in truth.
“Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.”
–Ephesians 6:14
If you are willing to stand firm, expect to be tested…you most certainly will...and it will be soon. Satan and his followers continue to be more and more active because he knows his day is near; and he doesn’t mess around.
God too is working, and is out of Satan’s league (we know how the story ends). 5,000 people were saved at the Harvest Crusade at Angel Stadium recently, and over 200,000 heard the Gospel. A US gold and silver medal winner and other athletes have been bold about their faith. The Olympic Committee and world has seen a rare picture of the strength and vocal backlash from the Christian church. This month, I have also heard exciting conversion reports of Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons (LDS) giving their life to the true Lord Jesus Christ.
In the battle for good and evil in our nation, we remember we are not battling people or parties, but the evil forces pulling the strings (Ephesians 6:12). We remember that we honor God over how we are perceived…some think we need to play things “cool” in hopes of leading the unsaved to Christ. Again, honoring God is most important (and that coming from an evangelist at heart). The world expects us to stand for something…it’s time to do just that. Be strong in the Lord. I would venture if others saw us stand up and lead, some might just take a second look at Jesus and Christianity.
-Dave Andrews
KJOL Station Manager
PS- God may be calling you to be strong in all sorts of areas of your life...keep it Biblical...and don't give up.