March 28-29
Colorado Springs, CO
The American Christian Fiction Writers-Colorado Springs Chapter will hold their annual writer's conference on March 28-29 at the Glen Eyrie Castle and Conference Center.
Best-selling author and writing coach Angela Hunt will be the featured speaker. Professional and amateur writers are welcome.
For costs and registration options click on link below
Sunday-March 30
Grand Junction, CO
The Grand Junction SBA Church women's ministries will host "An Afternoon with Britney Renae Thompson- Author of "God Minded: Living God-Focused in a Me -Focused World" one day only on March 30, at 1:30 pm. at 550 25 1/5 Road in Grand Junction.
Admission is free and food will be provided....However, please pre-register by sending your name and phone number to: by March 23, 2025.
For more information Contact Kathy Goley: (719) 298-7464 or email at:
April 18
(Good Friday)
Grand Junction, Co
Redlands Community Church located at 2327 Broadway in Grand Junction will hold a special Good Friday event on April 18.
Come and experience some of the sights, sounds, and scents of the Passion of our Lord. You will find exhibits representing many of the scenes from the last hours of Jesus' life here on earth. Draw closer to Jesus as you meditate on the Easter Story…His love and sacrifice for you.
This self-guided, open-house event is free to attend.
You will receive a booklet and mini flashlight to help direct you through the various stations. A Smart-Phone digital version of the booklet is also available to view during your visit or to read ahead of time,
For more information contact the church at (970) 245-9020 or
click on the web link below:
May 9th
Montrose, CO
Chaplain Ryan Dyer is holding his annual banquet at Crossroads Church located at 515 South Hillcrest Dr. in Montrose on Friday, May 9. Doors open at 6:00 pm
The dinner is free, although donations will be accepted to support the ministry. Chaplain Ryan Dyer will give an update on his work at the Delta Correctional Center, and you will hear the testimony from a former inmate..
For more information, call Chaplain Dyer at 970- 874-5880
Or to register click on web link below:
May 9, 10 & 11
Grand Junction, CO
River of Life Alliance Church located at 701 24 1/4 Rd. in Grand Junction, CO will be hosting a three day conference featuring top speakers from the national Institute for Creation Research (ICR). Join Dr. Brian Thomas and Miss Emily Steele as they speak at the "Uncovering the Truth About Creation Conference" and answer some of the most common questions about creation, provide evidence that the Bible can be trusted in all matters, and exalt Jesus Christ as both Creator and Savior.
This event will also offer two field trip with limited seating.
To register please use link below:
Grand Junction, CO
Appleton Christian Church Located at (2510 I-70 Frontage Road) in Grand Junction will begin a new Griefshare Class starting Saturday, January 11th, 2025 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. It meets every week for 13 weeks.
Participants may join the class at any time during the series.
Register online at at link below or call the church at (970) 242-7380.
Delta, CO
1st & 3rd Thursdays- 3 pm to 6 pm
Gunnison Valley Church of the Nazarene Ministries is hosting an ongoing community food pantry every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 3 pm to 6 pm. at 1721 H Road in
Delta, CO.
for more information contact:
Pastor Barb or Pastor Charlie Bechtold
Gunnison Valley Church of the
1721 H Road
Delta, CO 81416