You’re still the hope of Christmas
You’re still the light when the world looks dark
You’re still the hope of Christmas
And You’re still the hope of my heart
Those words are from that great new Christmas song from Matthew West, which you can hear on KJOL right now. Don’t those lyrics hit home this year? When the world looks dark, Christ is still our hope and our light.
I have thought a lot about the sad state of affairs our country and world is in lately. The fear is almost palpable. And when fear arrives, so does panic; and with panic, all common sense is thrown out the door, no matter who you are. We as believers in Christ know who fear comes from. We also know Who courage, love, and hope come from. And if the last few months have proven anything, those wonderful attributes certainly do not come from our own hearts…the hearts of humanity have collectively failed.
“We all like sheep have gone astray.”
But for those of us who place our trust in Christ, we have the Shephard. Christ is the Author of the noble heart. In fact He is the Great Physician…He does the most important heart transplant. For those who don’t know Christ and are living in darkness, transformation occurs when they see the great Light. And after we find the Light, we now can walk righteously in the light of life. It’s not merely a baby boy’s birth we celebrate at Christmas. Romans 5 tells us about the real Hope of Christmas…Christ’s sacrificial work of salvation and grace.
“But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!” v.15
Now that’s what I call a gift! It’s something that “a weary world can celebrate indeed. But there’s one issue…how will the world in darkness see the great Light unless someone guides them (to quote the Ethiopian eunich)? That’s why we are here in the power of Christ.
Do you feel it? Do you feel the fear and the darkness around us? Shine the Light this Christmas…and empower others to do the same. KJOL is in a unique position to do just that. We are also motivated to do just that. But we literally need your support to do just that. We need your prayers…and your support in action…your financial gifts.
year-end gift
makes it possible to proclaim the gift of grace through the sacrifice and resurrection of the Son, and lead others to walk in the light of life. Will you join us?
Please pray about and then make a gift to KJOL this month to help us finish the year strong, and keep us going strong in 2021. God bless you and let’s rejoice together in all God has done this Christmas.
-Dave Andrews
KJOL Station Manager