Our annual Spring FriendRaiser is underway for the month of April; and as a part of that, our theme this year is Share The Light. As you share the Gospel and the Light of Christ, KJOL has compiled 30 tips for every day of the month. Here they are:
1. Make sure YOU yourself know Christ, so the power of Holy Spirit can work through you. Without Him we can do nothing. If you are not sure, go to our website and click on Good News.
2. HARVEST/GREG LAURIE TIP: Have a God given burden and compassion for the lost. Recognize that no matter how much non-believers have in life, there is still a basic emptiness in each and every one of us without Christ. And because of that, YOU have more in life than others…who may want what you have. Don’t forget the urgency of those who are dying and going to hell. Also remember, we are commanded to share our faith (Great Commission etc.).
3. Some believe Augustine said “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” While he probably did not actually say that, it is a good reminder that we must walk the walk if we are going to talk the talk. Get rid of sin in your life that might hinder the Gospel. No one wants to hear the truth from a hypocrite. In the end it won’t fully lead people to Christ, but it will most certainly help in your efforts.
4. Some believe Augustine said “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” It is ALWAYS necessary to use words. Phillip led the Ethiopian eunuch to the Lord after he was asked, how can I understand unless someone explains it to me?” Your good testimony alone will not bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus. They must have a clear encounter the Gospel. SIDE NOTE: Phillip was obedient to go with God’s calling.
5. TIP FROM CRU: Prepare well…start reading God’s Word and come to a clear understanding of our need for a Savior and the remission of our sins. Watch other evangelists on YouTube, and learn the Gospel by heart (Need Him, Evangelism Explosion, KJOL.org-Good News, Living Waters, Billy Graham, Greg Laurie, gotrainingday.org). Learn the Gospel hand presentation from Evangelism Explosion, the Romans Road, or the Wordless Book from Child Evangelism Fellowship. We have some resource on our Resource page at KJOL.org.
6. TIP FROM CRU: Live in faith, not fear. Know that when God calls you…He has your back. Care more about what He thinks. “The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7, NIV).
7. Believe what you are saying. The eyes of the world have been blinded by the god of this age. But you know the words of life…the very real way the truth and the life. You will be setting people free. We tend to be more passionate and genuine about the things we believe in.
8. BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION TIP: Recognize that people are looking for a cure. People don’t wake up in the morning thinking “I need Jesus.” They are thinking of their symptoms, loneliness, lack of peace, fear, etc. But a good doctor looks for the underlying cause…and cure the disease. Jesus is our cure for sin. Sometimes, people are searching and don’t even know it.
9. FOCUS ON THE FAMILY TIP: Practice…role play in your head and/or with other Christians. What are the major arguments of the day against Christ? Figure out how to respond to those.
10. TIP FROM FOCUS ON THE FAMILY: Pray… The Christian life must be saturated with prayer…we can’t expect success without His intervention. Ask the Lord to identify people in your life that need to hear about the way to eternal life.
11. TIP FROM INTERVARSITY: Start Conversations with anyone and everyone no matter what they look like. Jewish Rabbi’s didn’t talk to Samaritan women, but Jesus struck up a conversation with the woman at the well.
12. TIP FROM INTERVARSITY: Adjust life patterns to make conversations possible. How can we get out of our bubble to encounter unsaved people? How about pick up a hobby in a new group, get to know a neighbor, check in on a family member, or start shopping in a new store or visiting a new restaurant. What are your ideas? Text us.
13. TIP FROM INTERVARSITY: Start chatting about everyday life with people…evangelists know “a serious and authentic conversation is only a hair’s breadth away. “
14. Don’t neglect Jesus. The world has clear reactions to the name of Jesus, but there is no other name under Heaven by which we can be saved. Tell others about how in His great love, Christ died for us to pay the penalty we could not pay, and if we believe on Him in repentance of sin, we will be saved for eternity.
15. Don’t use Christianese. Keep it simple in terms everyone can understand.
16. TIP FROM JESUSFILM.COM: Become a good listener. People don’t like to be preached at…make it a two way conversation…you will be more effective at getting to the heart of the matter in each personal situation.
17. Don’t get caught up in a debate. Most people will not change their viewpoint in a hostile atmosphere. Keep things calm, friendly, and conversational. Whether or not they accept Christ, you sharing your faith was a success.
18. TIP FROM INTERVARSITY: Ask questions and then also answer the questions behind their question. For instance, don’t get dragged into a debate about homosexuality…let them know that we all need a Savior, Christ loves them and desires to have a personal relationship with him. We all need His atonement from sin, and have access to it through Jesus. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that get to the heart of the matter.
19. TIP FROM CRU: Your personal testimony is your best friend. Your story is effective, no matter how boring it is. God may just lead the right person to you who needs to hear it.
20. Be humble and willing to use anything…the apostle Paul became “all things to all men so that some might be saved.” Break out tracts, Gospel survey, books, GodTools app, so called Christian “Rock and Roll,” Bibles, or whatever resources you need. Use it there and put something in their hand for later.
21. Admit when you don’t know the answer, but don’t forget you know the one Who does. Ask if you could look up a passage. The Bible has the answers to all of life’s questions. In addition, pretty much all questions you can encounter have been thought out and addressed over the last 2 thousand years after Christ. The answer is out there.
22. BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION TIP: Make sure to cover the essentials. They are:
a. Admit you’re a sinner.
b. Ask for forgiveness and be willing to turn from your sins.
c. Believe that cross died for you on the cross.
d. Receive Christ into your heart and life.
23. TIP FROM RAY COMFORT: Don’t forget the SIN thing. It’s a dirty word, but the Gospel is at the core about atonement from sin. People who have everything, are unlikely to see their need for a Savior if you don’t mention sin. Living Waters International sees it as essential to take people through the 10 commandments because we have all broken them. People must have the opportunity to come to grips with and repent for the forgiveness of sin. Ray Comfort does this to great effect by going through the 10 commandments with people.
24. BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION TOP: Stress the love of God. You correctly discussed our sin problem…don’t forget the love of God…He showed His love for us by giving His life for us so we can be saved.
25. When you are around a non-believer and you all of the sudden think about sharing your faith or perhaps a tract…do it. It’s probably God’s voice. It may just be a divine appointment to plant a seed.
26. Ray Comfort Tip: Give them an opportunity to say yes or no. Ask when they are going to give their life to Christ. Strike while the iron is hot. If you gauge that sharing the Gospel has made an impact, ask if they would like to pray with you to give their life to Christ…if they are a little less receptive, ask if it’s ok that you pray for them…even right there. Leave them with a tract, your number, a Bible, or an invitation to church.
27. Alpha Omega Institute Tip: Write a letter to a loved one. In case you think it’s a cop-out…they have personal experience that it works!
28. Ask them if they have a Bible…there is a reason the Gideon’s pass out Bibles…people come to know the Lord by reading the Word!
29. JESUSFILM.COM TIP: Give yourself permission to share your faith poorly. Be ok with failing…you are really doing this for God and He knows. Learn from mistakes and know that God is pleased you are trying.
30. Don’t give up! Don’t be discouraged. Our job is to present the Gospel, His job is to do the saving. It often takes multiple seeds planted in people’s lives. Keep it up…you WILL see fruit for the Kingdom of God.