In the parable of the rich fool, Jesus talked about a rich man who worked hard and grew his possessions. But that night, his soul was required of him! God asks the rich man the question, “the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” The point was to be careful about covetousness and greed because it will all be taken away one day. In remembering the story, I ask myself, what am I working for, and Who am I working for?
This is a question that we all need to be asking ourselves. Without a doubt, all humans have a natural proclivity to selfish gain. I wish it wasn’t an issue in the church and God’s people, but it is (we are all human after all). We don’t have to look farther than the trends in the American church to get a picture of where many modern day Christian minds are. We have massive multimillion dollar buildings, rock star wannabes leading worship, top of the line audio video equipment and production, and messages that give us weekly feel-good fun that helps us resolve our conscience that “we have put our time in for the week.” Too many churches have become theological social clubs instead of the hands and feet of Jesus.
Thankfully, there are many exceptions.
The body of Christ is not merely about what happens inside the 4 walls of a church. Rather, if you want to see a great example of the body of Christ centered on His Kingdom, look no further than the life of Mother Teresa...she gave her all to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a real and hurting world. In her selflessness, she became solidified in human history.
People are hurting; lines are being drawn. As God’s people, we can’t live in apathy anymore. Current events are starting to separate the wheat from the chaff. And may we not found to be wanting! It is time for us as God’s people to live boldly and unashamed like never before. We need some modern day heroes of the Kingdom…will you take up the call?
Our heroes have always been less than ordinary people doing extraordinary things through the power of God. It's mice who move the elephant. Is this your call into HIS service?
God calls us in many ways…He may have already called you to something…are you working for His purposes? Many of us don’t know what he might have us to do. If that is you, what are the great problems of the day? What are the solutions? How does the light of Christ and Biblical truth come in (only He can truly change hearts)? Are you willing to try? Are you willing to fail? Are you willing to be innovative? Are you willing to work with the rest of the body of Christ? Start small. Be the mouse.
In everything, always remember, that it's is not about us, or growing our temporary earthly Kingdom. As his servants, our service to Him, is about and for Him…and His everlasting Kingdom.
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today. Let us begin.” –Mother Teresa
Your fellow servant,