We are thankful for our many supporters who deemed us a “catch”…we are humbled you find us worthy to support in a day of so many needs all around us. We made our goal for the month of April...please remember us in May too. Our little staff works hard every day to honor your investment in the Kingdom of God. We believe the best way to change our dark world for the better is to introduce others to Christ (The Light) and disciple them in the Word.
If you get this email, you know how we do that day in and day out as Local Christian Radio. You might also find it interesting to know we do that around the world as well, through our KJOL App…we have an even stronger installation rate globally than we do on the Western Slope. It fits right in with the Great Commission, as we go into all the world to preach the Gospel. You too are a disciple and Ambassador for Christ. How do I fulfill that in my own life you might ask?
I have a few ideas. I would love to see a “Gospel Club” on the Western Slope…where a few bold Ambassadors for Christ meet weekly to train and to go out…with the purpose to share the Gospel. Perhaps you would be willing to give a Gospel tract or Bible to a friend or someone who helped you in some way (we have both for you for free…just ask). Or perhaps when you encounter the darkness in our culture, you take that bold step and gently shine God’s Word and His light into the situation? I would happy to help you brainstorm.
A listener visited our studio last week and mentioned she has a hard time getting out and about these days. She is a Godly older woman and her husband passed away several years ago. She says even though she can’t get around like before, she prays a lot. I commended her…prayer is our first tool in the believers tool bag! Whatever tasks God calls you to as His ambassador and His disciple, we know we should be praying…about everything and nonstop. Will you join me in ongoing prayer for transformed hearts in our community and around the world? What else should we praying for right now? Let me know at dave@kjol.org.
-Dave Andrews, KJOL Station Manager