Alone or in a multitude.
Afar and anear,
God’s hosts to save me
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s way to lie before me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s might to uphold me,
Through God’s strength to pilot me;
I arise today
As we look back on ministry in 2020, KJOL found the year to be a vibrant and fruitful time for the Kingdom. After a lot of introspection in the midst of the rampant fear of COVID, we began asking ourselves if we as God’s people are missing something…are we fulfilling our call as servants of Christ? And while conclusions may look different for others, we began to be convicted that we ought to be looking for ministry opportunities…but not just any kind of ministry…ministry that does not benefit us, rather simply others.
As ministry really is not about us, but about service to the King, we started walking through doors with the intention of finding new ways to minister. The 2020 Bible Drive, the Salvation Army Bell Ringing, the Operation Christmas Child Group page…small things. Yes, it is counterintuitive for a non-profit to raise support for other non-profits! But our focus has been on God’s Kingdom (may it ever be so). Low and behold, those very months we focused on selfless ministry, we have seen a direct correlation in financial blessing. We give God the glory. It is all about Him, and not about us.
The only reason I share this story about 2020, is to encourage you to go and do likewise. I want to encourage you to selfless ministry in 2021 and beyond. Ask God, be available to walk through a door, and be mindful of your motives.
“You do not have because you do not ask God.
When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask
with wrong motives,”
-James 4:2-3
Do not fear…His burden is light! As
Dr. David Jeremiah points out on Turning Point, in your efforts to be a “fruit-filled Christian,” you are not alone. He will lift you up in His love and power (remember that old song,
More Love, More Power?). He will provide the needed means to accomplish your task. He promises to be with you always…even to the very end of the age.
In a world that is self-focused, scared and afraid, and mad with fury…our minds are set on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Ground yourself in those through the Word of God. To quote my pastor's recent message, "get off Facebook, and onto God's Book."
We go forward in His power and love to impact our culture through the Word of God and Gospel of Christ. Often this occurs in the small things of life, which are actually the big things. You don’t have to have a microphone to be a fruit-filled servant of the King. You don’t have to have an office. You don’t have to be sound of body. You don’t need money….you just need a willing and available heart.
Is there anything standing in your way from submitting to your King in this area today? I will guarantee that God is bigger. God’s blessing be upon your ministry in 2021.
-Dave Andrews
KJOL Station Manager