Someone once said “Be like a flower. Survive the rain; but use it to grow.” In 2020, you might feel more like a wilting flower! But the good news is that God is unshakable; and His Kingdom is unshakeable. And at the heart of the Kingdom is the King Himself.
I love a good western book or movie. Usually these are about men who are tough as nails because of past experiences, but are also prepared to go against all odds because of that “grit” they earned the hard way. While “what doesn’t kill us may or may not make us stronger,” as believers in Christ, our strength comes from the Almighty One and Creator Lord.
Our bodies and minds can only take so much, but His strength is a supernatural one. He is the Hero of old; and He is with us. In the tough days we are living in, I want to remind you that Christ, our King, is greater than anything on we can possibly face. Here are a few of those important areas that He is bigger and better.
1. Sin. Most religions are the same…their central theme focusing on how we live, least we suffer the consequences. Christianity is different though… our God actually took our consequences on Himself. He is the only One Who has ever taken on sin and killed it (on the cross), freeing us from enslavement to sin. He has defeated sin already (Romans 6:10), but one day soon, He will banish sin for good (Revelation 22:3).
2. Serious Heartbreak.
It’s easy to say “Christ is bigger” when things are going right, or when we are going through superficial day to day troubles. But how about when you lose a job or a home, or a spouse cheats on you, or your child is stuck in a life of sin, or you even loose a child. In the deepest heartbreaks of life, somehow, someway, we can still conclude that Christ is bigger. He is with us, always, and will never leave us. The big picture is that He is ultimately working for our good. One day we will get to experience that in all its glory. So we hold on and press on.
3. Sickness.
We experience it. He defeats it. The prophets foretold the Messiah would be a healer. And Christ sure was and still is. If you read the Gospels, everywhere Jesus went, “He had compassion on them, and he healed their sick.” That was His thing; and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still the compassionate healer and protector in this life, and also the Healer of our souls. The medical community can do some impressive things, but they have nothing on Him. That’s good news in the days of COVID. Even though, ultimately sickness leads to death, He has conquered even that.
4. Death.
It is our greatest curse and fear from old. One of the greatest heartbreaks we can ever experience is at the loss of a loved one. There are many like me who have experienced the pain of loss of a child in the womb. There are many who have lost a spouse, or are facing that soon. Perhaps someone close to you has a chronic disease, or you are facing a terminal diagnosis. Again, somehow, someway, in the seriousness of death, we can even say “Where O death is thy sting?” How can that be?? Christ has already won that battle. Death has no reason to hold terror over us anymore. Death is graduation day and reunion time. To paraphrase a quote from Dr. David Jeremiah, for those who are perishing, this life is the best there ever will be. For those of us who know Christ, this life is the worst it will ever get. Christ is bigger than even death.
When we know the King and belong to Him, we have a lot to be thankful for. Join me this Thanksgiving to give thanks that we have a perfect King, who is bigger and better than anything this life can throw at us.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe…” -Hebrews 12:28
-Dave Andrews
KJOL Station Manager