This 4th, I plan on celebrating the freest nation in history…with some good ‘ol American BBQ! I’ll be happy if I just don’t make jerky out of the ribs. I am counting on you America’s Test Kitchen!
On days like today…I think about freedom, where we have gone wrong as a nation, and what we can do about it now. The above quote from President John Quincy Adams really hits home…“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.”
This country was designed with Christian principles, for people with Christian principles. Adams said government and Christian morality were connected and even indissoluble. In our post Christian nation, no wonder we have lost our way. It’s so easy for we humans to get distracted. Even Christians go through times like that. But the good news is for us is that Christ wants us to be free.
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” –Galatians 5:1
Christ came to set us free from being enslaved to sin. In fact the opposite is true if you’re a Christian…you now serve righteousness. More than a slave, you are a child of God and inheritor of a promise. While I stop short on saying we as Christians can totally lose our way (Christ is stronger than that and He is working on us all the time), I will say we can so easily return to those sins that Christ set us free from, despite all the damage it caused our lives, and despite how it hurts the One we love. Just like that giant group of Hebrews who had just been delivered from Pharaoh, we too can look back…even when Christ is leading us to the Promised Land. So this 4th of July, let me encourage you to hold fast to the Word…it is a real sin buster! It will help absolutely us in our walk.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
-John 8:31-32
Don’t forget, KJOL airs God’s Word nearly 24/7 and it will greatly assist your endeavors to keep your focus on Him. If that is something you would like to help provide for other people…we would love to have you on board as a monthly supporter. We are in a slow time financially (the Summer Bummer), and could use your prayerful financial support if you are able. Go here to make a monthly or one time gift today. Thanks for your support.
God bless you.
-Dave Andrews
KJOL Station Manager