At the founding of our nation, when the Declaration of Independence from England was being signed, Benjamin Franklin reportedly said “We must hang together or surely we shall hang separate.” Whether Franklin said it or not, British power indeed did rise up to take back what they thought was rightfully theirs, and to crush the rebellion. But in the end, the underdog, the tenacious forces of the Continental Army would prevail. They were not perfect. They had their weaknesses. But they hung together at great expense to themselves, they stuck it out, they had their eyes on the prize, and fought the fight to secure a legacy of freedom for many generations to come.
After considering all the events of the last year and a half, it is with no hesitancy that we can easily say our nation is under attack at the very core…the heart. Politics have failed us, medicine and science have failed us, goods and services have failed us…all the things that we have gloried in as a nation have failed us. Those empty guides have left us wondering who we are, what happened to the heart of our nation, and when did it leave.
The failures of our recent way of life is not entirely a bad thing…if we can revive our heart as a country…a heart that was founded on Christ. You see, our founding fathers were clearly not alone (no matter what the modern history books say). God was with us. The last stanza of the Star Spangled Banner demonstrates what our founders knew…for a nation to succeed, we must have God’s blessing.
“Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
As believers in Christ, we know that the Holy Spirit is the only one who can really change a heart. So if we want to see God’s blessing return, for the rampant immorality to wane, and for our nation to be greater than ever before, it is time for God’s people to mobilize with the message of Christ. It is a time to live boldly…speaking truth and proclaiming redemption, the Gospel. We are His servants and representatives in this nation…we may be the minority now, but the resources of the church are still vast…certainly vast enough! We CAN turn this nation around…if God is with us, and if He is proclaimed for the salvation of souls.
Ecclesiastes says there is a time and season for everything. There is a time to rest absolutely...but some of us have forgotten to do anything but that. There is also a time to work. Sunday is commonly our day of rest, but there are 6 other days of the week! In 2 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul warns us against being lazy…he goes so far as to tell the Thessalonians to not associate with the believers who are idle and disruptive. May we not ever be found among their number.
Just as we work, we should work together. KJOL has been encouraging ministries and churches to work together all year long…we are just crazy enough to think God’s people are stronger together. God's Word is our common ground. As the hate for Christian principles ramp up in our nation, we may just find that if we don’t hang together, we will hang separate. It happens in this day and age in other countries...and if God has removed His can happen here too. We need to stick together.
This last week we started hearing reports of ministries and a few churches doing just that. And in addition, we had an amazing time seeing that in action, as various churches and ministries came together to put on a foster kid appreciation day for
Project 127. I saw churches active, and a number of ministries doing what they do best. It was a major blessing as the local unreached were introduced to some hard working Jesus lovin’ Kingdom centered Christians!
Are you ready to sign Declaration 2.0? Are you ready to unite, to work hard, to live boldly, and to serve together? Our nation cannot succeed much longer without God’s rejuvenation. We are His servants. We stand on His Word. No more hiding. It’s time to get to work for the Kingdom.
-Dave Andrews
Station Manager