Focus on the Family related an excellent message from Anne Graham Lotz, which put our focus on Christ’s Kingdom. If you are like me, and have been disturbed by the rapid loss of freedoms in our country, by the forceful mandates, the unprecedented poor leadership, and by the irreverent immorality that has permeated and completely saturated our culture, then not only do we find peace and calm in the Kingdom of Christ, but it is an important component to revival in the kingdoms of men.
Christ’s Kingdom is eternal, better, and more real than the Kingdoms of the living. All others will pass away…but when we work for HIS Kingdom…we are doing something eternal. When we focus on HIS Kingdom…we take our place as servants of the King and find our purpose. When we work for His Kingdom…we rescue lives for eternity, and bring new life and light in Christ to change our current and dark culture.
"Be strong. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself."
-CS Lewis, Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Lives are improved in this life, and saved for the next. So what are you focused on? Are you centered on the tragic corruption of the earth, or are you centered on the King of Kings? Either way, we can help. God’s Word, which we broadcast day in and day out, is the key to the Kingdom mindset. For those times when you can’t physically turn the page of a Bible, click on the radio to hear the Light, a whole bunch of Biblically centered programs are waiting for you.
Lately, the Bible Quiz (i.e. Psalm 37) has been reminding us that the wicked are very temporary, but rather the meek and the righteous will inherit the land. We just have to wait and place our trust in Him. That is a reassuring passage right now! The Scripture is full of wisdom and comfort for our day. It also contains the roadmap to revival in our time…humble prayer, repentance, boldness, truth, and the Gospel of Christ.
KJOL has another opportunity to focus on God's Kingdom and also grow in the process...our 90 Day New Testament Challenge. It's underway right now. Be sure to check it out on our
Right now, let’s all do extra diligence in the times we are living in, to focus on the King and His Kingdom. Encourage other believers to do the same; let’s work for His City and also toward revival in our day.
-Dave Andrews
KJOL Station Manager